- Broward County Public Schools
- Code of Conduct
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The Code Book for Student Conduct & Discipline Matrix
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The Code of Student Conduct, Policy 5090, provides specific information regarding the rules that all students are expected to adhere to, as well as consequences for violations. Important among these rules are consistent and timely attendance, respect for people and property, appropriate dress, technology usage, student publications, student activities, student records and the right to appeal, including grievance procedures. The School Board of Broward County, Florida, approves and affirms its support of the Code of Student Conduct, Policy 5090.
School Environmental Safety Incident Reporting (SESIR)
The School Environmental Safety Incident Reporting (SESIR) System currently collects data on 26 incidents of crime, violence, and disruptive behaviors that occur on school grounds, on school transportation, and at off-campus, school-sponsored events, during any 24-hour period, 365 days per year.
Incidents are reported by schools to the districts which, in turn, provide the data to the DOE. Per F.S. 1002.20, parents of public-school students have a right to access school safety and discipline incidents as reported pursuant to s. 1006.07(9). To view the state reported discipline data:
- District Total
- School Total
School Environmental Safety Incident Reporting (SESIR) data is posted on the Florida Department of Education's website at https://www.fldoe.org/safe-schools/discipline-data.stml.
Click on the titles below to access the Code Book, Signature Forms and Discipline Matrix.
Code Book, Signature Forms and Discipline Matrix
Forms and Documents
Please use the following link to register for the Focus Parent Portal.
Code Book for Student Conduct (PDF Version) with Translations
The Code Book for Student Conduct:
- English Version (updated 8/14/24)
- Haitian/Creole Version (coming soon)
- Portuguese Version (coming soon)
- Spanish Version (coming soon)
Code Book of Student Conduct (Signature Forms)
Every school year, parents must fill out back-to-school forms for their children. For parents' convenience, these forms can be completed online. Just click on the link below to get answers to frequently asked questions and to get started.
Complete Our Easy-to-Use Online Forms
Parents who prefer to fill out hard copies of the back to school forms can download the forms using the links below. The forms are provided in multiple languages. Completed forms must be submitted to your child's school.
(Updated 8/12/24)
Discipline Matrix
The Discipline Matrix is a tool for administrators to respond appropriately when students have committed serious violations, per the Code of Student Conduct. This tool is designed to offer consistency at all levels across the District so that students are disciplined fairly from school to school when their behavior requires punishment beyond the classroom. There are four different versions of the Matrix which assign interventions and consequences for the following grade levels (updated 8/14/24):
The Matrix is designed to assist you and your child in understanding the consequences of seriously violating school rules. While most parents will have no need to be familiar with the Matrix, the School Board and the District want to ensure that parents are knowledgeable about the actions of its school administrators when students misbehave. The Matrix enables administrators to assign consequences consistently, regardless of the school your child attends.
The Matrix outlines the violations in the same way as the Code of Student Conduct. Each incident type includes interventions and consequences for each violation. The letters within the consequence boxes correspond to the “Action Legend”. Therefore, if a student commits a first offense violation for an incident, the actions that can be taken will be listed in the box for the 1st Consequence. The second offense violation will be listed in the box for the 2nd Consequence, and so forth. It is important to note , that school administrators have the discretion to deviate from these guidelines by assessing an appropriate consequence other than stated in the Matrix if he or she determines in his or her sole discretion that there are mitigating or aggravating circumstances.
Yes. The Discipline Matrix does not apply to classroom management as assigned by the teacher but rather as a progressive step when a student has broken the rules requiring a principal and/or his designee to assign consequences. While continuous disregard for classroom rules will almost always be referred to an administrator, certain violations of the rules, e.g. weapon possession, assault, sexual harassment, require initial administrative action.
Like the Code of Student Conduct, the Matrix is reviewed annually by district stakeholders, including parents, teachers, administrators, counselors, students and other community representatives.
Should you require further explanation of the Discipline Matrix, please call your school administrator.