- Broward County Public Schools
- Mentoring Across Broward
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Mentoring Across Broward
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Mentoring Across Broward, the District’s comprehensive mentoring initiative, addresses many of the concerns expressed by students, parents, school staff and community stakeholders who are looking for ways to provide opportunities for all students to benefit from mentoring relationships with caring peers and adults.
Mentoring Across Broward, which operates within this department, uses a multi-tiered approach to leverage school and community-based mentoring resources to better serve the needs of students. Youth Mentoring Programs will continue to provide mentoring opportunities for individuals and organizations to meet one-on-one and in small groups with students on school campuses during the school day.
BCPS Sponsered Mentoring Programs
5000 Role Models of Excellence Project
The 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project is a dropout prevention, mentoring program committed to closing the minority male achievement (access) gap by guiding minority male students along a carefully charted path through grades K-12 and college or ensuring the attainment of other post-secondary credentials, and increasing their employability in higher wage, high skills jobs within high demand industries. The program also teaches participants to respect law enforcement, the law, women, school officials, and parents. Students are also exposed to valuable educational, and leadership opportunities that are designed to develop and strengthen their leadership skills. The students and adult mentors wear a distinctive uniform consisting of black pants, a white dress shirt, and a 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project signature necktie. For more information about 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project may be found at https://www.5000rolemodels.com/broward, email MentoringAcrossBroward@browardschools.com,or call 754-321-1600.
Mentoring's Tomorrows Leaders
Mentoring Tomorrow’s Leaders (MTL) is a peer-to-peer mentoring and student leadership program that serves students in grades 6th – 12th with an emphasis on high school programming. MTL promotes academic advancement, pupil progression, student engagement and successful school completion utilizing the MTL Five Pillars.
School-Based Mentoring Program
School-based mentoring is an opportunity for individual schools to create a program unique to their location. Many of the mentors are essential staff at the school.
If you'd like to implement a school-based mentoring program, please contact Tom Albano at 754-321-1600 for additional information, training and/or assistance.
BCPS Mentoring Partners
Big Brothers and Big Sisters
Since its inception, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Broward has created more than 50,000 professionally supported matches for youth relationships that ignite the power, and change lives for the better, forever. Research has proven that the young people in the Big Brothers Big Sisters programs have higher aspirations, greater confidence, better relationships, improved academic performance, and an avoidance of risky behaviors such as trying drugs or alcohol. Through our B.I.S.S. (Bigs Inspiring Scholastic Success) program hundreds of children in Broward County Public Schools aftercare locations have an opportunity to reach their full potential. We also offer BIG Pride (LGBTQ+?), BIG futures (college and career readiness), BIGs with Badges (local law enforcement), School to work (Workplace mentoring) and Children of Promise (Detering Delinquent Behaviors). Big Brothers Big Sisters is also recruiting mentors to assist in our crusade to impact lives.
Address: 3511 W Commercial Blvd Suite 200, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am to 5 PM
Phone: (954) 584-9990
Broward College Pre-College Summer Leadership Institute (PSLI)
The Pre-College Summer Leadership Institute (PSLI) is a summer bridge program designed for current high school minority male students (grades 10 -12). This initiative is in partnership with the Broward County Public School's Mentoring Tomorrow's Leaders (MTL) and 5000 Role Models of Excellence male students.
Jason Taylor Foundation
Latinos in Action
The Latinos in Action class focuses on academics, culture, service and leadership, and is facilitated through middle and high schools.
The course is an elective credit designed to motivate Hispanic students to complete their high school education and attend college.
The program covers four major areas:
College readiness, personal development, biculturalism and professionalism.
- Literacy tutoring opportunities at nearby elementary and middle schools.
- An exploration of cultural heritage through literary and performing arts.
- Leadership opportunities through student-led service, social and professional committees.
For more information, please contact Office of School Performance and Accountability, 754-321-3838.
Reading Pals Mentoring & Early Literacy Program
Reading Pals is a United Way of Broward County and Broward County Public Schools collaborative effort to increase student reading proficiency with the goal of ensuring that students are reading at grade level by third grade. Mentors work one on one with pre-K and early elementary students reading to/with them for ½ to 1 hour per week. Students participating in the program receive up to 16 books to take home in addition to summer reading kits.
Reading Pals Mentoring Website
PH: 954-453-3742 -
Take Stock In Children
Take Stock in Children’s mission is to break the cycle of poverty for low income, academically qualified students by providing opportunities for post-secondary education. TSIC offers college scholarships to students who are matched with adult mentors who meet one-on-one with students in middle and high school providing support and guidance that prepares them for academic and personal success.
Take Stock In Children Website
Telephone: 954-201-7846 -
Women of Tomorrow
The Women of Tomorrow's mission is to inspire, motivate and empower at-risk young women to live up to their full potential through a unique group mentoring program with highly accomplished professional women and scholarship opportunities.