Frequently Asked Questions
Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) is proud to offer high-quality educational programs at each of our schools. Our District is a national leader in providing innovative learning opportunities to help students reach their highest potential.
BCPS provides families with a variety of school choice options and encourages parents/guardians to explore all that BCPS has to offer.
What is School Choice?
During the open application window, parents and guardians may submit applications for magnet programs and school reassignments with available seats. High-quality innovative programs, Career Technical Education (CTE) and Collegiate Academy options are also available by submitting a School Choice reassignment application. Families of students with disabilities may also apply for a different public school using this process.
The following options are available:
Magnet Programs offer in-depth experiences in specific areas of interest. If you are interested in a magnet program at your assigned school, a School Choice application is not necessary. Please contact your assigned school for information on how to participate.
Reassignments allow attendance at a school that is not your assigned school.
Innovative Programs offer courses of study centered on specific themes. If you are interested in an innovative program at your assigned school, a School Choice application is not necessary. Please contact your assigned school for information on how to participate.
Career Technical Education (CTE) Programs prepare high school students for post-secondary enrollment and apprenticeships. If you are interested in a CTE program at your assigned high school, a School Choice application is not necessary. Please contact your assigned high school for information on how to participate.
Collegiate Academies offer high school students the opportunity to earn their high school diploma and their Associates in Arts degree.
Gifted Academy is open to students who meet gifted eligibility criteria.
- Boundary choice options are available to some students based on where they live within Broward County.
Nova schools provide four schools on one campus for students in grades kindergarten through twelve.
Please note: A separate application is needed for each of the available school choice categories (magnet programs, school reassignments, and/or Nova schools.)
Do I need a Student ID Number?
Yes, each student must have a Broward County Public School Student Identification Number to apply for a Magnet Program, Nova School, Reassignment, etc. If your child currently attends a Broward County Public School, including Charter Schools, they already have a Student ID Number (06XXXXXXXX). If you are unsure as to what the number is, contact your school. If your child has never attended a Broward County Public School, you may go to any Broward County Public School to have a Student ID Number created.
Please wait at least 24 hours after receiving a new student number before applying.
When may I apply for School Choice?
The Office of School Choice offers several application windows, which are scheduled in the "Dates" webpage of each School Choice year.
Open Application Windows
During the open School Choice application window, applications are accepted for the following:
- Out of boundary school reassignments
- General reassignments requests
- Families of Active-Duty Military
- Families of BCPS Employees
- Out of boundary school programs
- Innovative programs (submit a reassignment application)
- Magnet programs
- Career Technical Education (CTE) programs
- Gifted Academies
- Collegiate Academies
- Boundary Choice
- Combined Elementary boundary in Parkland
- Specific boundary areas within Broward County
- Nova schools*
- Nova Blanche Forman Elementary School
- Nova Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary School
- Nova Middle School
- Nova High School
Closed Application Windows
During closed School Choice application windows, applications are not accepted, except for the following:
Application Exceptions
- Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) Employees
- Active-Duty Military Families
- Parkland Elementary Schools
- Leave of Absence
- School Completion (for out of boundary address changes)
- Out of boundary school reassignments
What application documents are required and where can I send them?
To complete your School Choice application, you may be required to submit the following documents:
- Military – Parent's/legal guardian's active duty orders & student's birth certificate.
- Employee Priority – Parent's/legal guardian's birth certificate and/or work verification on school letterhead (upon request).
- Magnet program – For magnet programs with academic criteria, most recent report card grades and FAST or nationally recognized standardized test scores in reading and mathematics.
Please email your required documents to SchoolChoice@browardschools.com by the application deadline.
- Military – Parent's/legal guardian's active duty orders & student's birth certificate.
Do I have to re-apply each year?
If your child is currently attending a School Choice awarded school, you ARE NOT required to re-apply each year unless your student was granted a reassignment for one-year only. Most reassignments are good until the highest grade (5th, 8th, or 12th grade). If a student is transitioning to middle school or high school, they will NOT automatically matriculate into the next school.
Is transportation provided?
Transportation WILL NOT be provided for students granted a Reassignment. It is the parent’s sole responsibility to provide transportation for their child.
Transportation is provided for magnet students who reside more than 2 miles from the school, based on the Magnet Transportation Zone for their requested school.
Transportation is provided for Gifted Academy students who reside more than 2 miles from the school.
Does it make a difference if I already have a sibling at the requested school?
Siblings receive priority to schools per School Board policy 6400. If you are the parent/guardian of a child already attending or applying to the same school, select "Sibling" as the reason for the reassignment. Next, provide this sibling's information on the application where indicated. The applicant may receive sibling priority pending sibling verification. This does not guarantee a seat, but it does give priority over those without a sibling currently attending or recently awarded.
When will I be notified?
After completing a School Choice application, the application status will be made available on the scheduled notification dates published on the "Dates" webpage of the respective School Choice year.
If your application status is "Incomplete", the application is missing required documents. In order for your application to be processed, please email the required documents to SchoolChoice@browardschools.com by the application deadline.
My child is in the wait pool (not selected) for a seat. What does this mean?
When there are more students than available seats at a school, a computerized random selection is used to select students. Students who are not selected for a seat are placed into a waitpool (not selected).
If new seats become available at a school, additional computerized random selections from the waitpool (not selected) will determine the seat award. There is no ordered list and there is no promise additional seats will become available at a school. To learn when the next selections will be made, please visit the "Dates" webpage of the respective School Choice year.
School Choice is divided into multiple application periods, to provide families with quicker notifications regarding the status of their child’s application.
All wait pool applicants from previous School Choice application windows who were not awarded a seat, will be reconsidered each selection date, before applicants who submit an application during the next School Choice Phase window.
The Office of School Choice will update your application status only if your child is awarded a seat. Seats are not guaranteed. Any applicant who is not awarded a seat by the end of the process will have to attend their assigned home boundary school.
What is my child’s assigned school?
The Department of Demographics & Enrollment Planning assigns all school-aged children living within Broward County to a home boundary school based on the child's primary residential address and grade level. To find your child’s assigned school, please visit Find My Assigned School.
Will I be automatically registered at the school after being accepted into the school or program?
All students who have been offered a School Choice seat must register at the awarded school by the registration deadline outlined in the "Dates" webpage of the respective School Choice year.
All registration paperwork, such as emergency contact and immunization forms, are submitted directly to the school. Please contact the awarded school with any questions about registration. You must register at the awarded school by the deadline, or the seat will be lost. -
What is the difference between an Innovative Program and a Magnet Program?
A School Choice application is not required for a program at your assigned school. You must contact the school directly and express your interest to the program coordinator.
To attend an Innovative Program, you must apply via the Reassignment application and indicate which Innovative Program you’re interested in. The award process has two parts. You must be awarded a Reassignment seat to the school. Once awarded, you may contact the school directly regarding program participation.
To attend a Magnet Program, you must apply via the Magnet application. If awarded, it includes a seat at the school and into the Magnet Program.
Seats for both Innovative and Magnet Programs are limited and placement is not guaranteed. For additional information and restrictions contact the Applied Learning Department at (754) 321-1878
My student’s information is wrong. How do I get it updated?
If your child’s current grade, address, and/or phone number are not up-to-date, please contact your current school to have the information updated. If your child is not currently attending a Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) or Charter school, please contact the nearest BCPS school to obtain a student number – any BCPS school can assign your student a number.
Please wait at least 24 hours after updating the information before applying during an open School Choice window.
What if I missed the registration deadline?
If your child was awarded a School Choice seat, but you did not notify the school to register by the deadline, your seat was returned to the applicant pool.
If you are not interested in your child accepting the awarded seat, no further action is needed.However, if you are still interested, please email schoolchoice@browardschools.com to request that your child's application be placed back into the wait pool. There is no guarantee that your child will be awarded a seat, again.
Can my child attend any school in Broward County?
By state law, students may apply to attend any public school in Florida that has not reached capacity, regardless of their home address. To determine schools with available seats, BCPS reviews enrollment for all District schools annually to identify current available seats and projected students.
Parents may request a school that has available seats by completing a School Choice application during an open application window. School Choice applications are awarded using a computerized random selection process. If more seats at a school become available during the School Choice process, additional selections from the applicant pool are made. Selection from a School Choice waitpool (not selected) is not guaranteed.Your child may always attend his or her assigned school, which is based on the primary home address.
If you are seeking to enroll your child in a school outside of Broward County, please contact that county directly.
Can my child attend a school outside of Broward County?
If you are seeking to enroll your child in a school outside of Broward County, please contact that county directly.
I want to apply, but I do not see the school. What can I do?
School Board policy 6400 “School Choice” does not allow schools to accept general reassignments when the school’s enrollment is over a certain level. If there is a change in reassignment availability, we will update the "Explore Your Options" webpage and also send out announcements to all parents by email.
I am new to Broward County Public Schools, can I still apply for School Choice?
Welcome to Broward County! School-aged children living within Broward County are assigned to a school based on their primary residential address and grade level. This is the child's assigned school. Please contact the assigned school to register each child. To find your child’s assigned school, please visit the Find My School.
We understand families want to have options for their child's education, which may include a choice other than their assigned school. As a result, the Office of School Choice offers several application windows. Please visit the "Dates" webpage of the respective School Choice year for more information.
During open School Choice application windows, applications are accepted for the following:
- Out of boundary school reassignments
- General reassignments requests
- Families of Active-Duty Military
- Families of BCPS Employees
- Out of boundary school programs
- Innovative programs (submit a reassignment application)
- Magnet programs
- Career Technical Education (CTE) programs
- Gifted Academies
- Collegiate Academies
- Boundary Choice
- Combined Elementary boundary in Parkland
- Specific boundary areas within Broward County
- Nova schools*
- Nova Blanche Forman Elementary School
- Nova Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary School
- Nova Middle School
- Nova High School
Closed Application Windows
During closed School Choice application windows, applications are not accepted, except for the following:
Application Exceptions
- Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) Employees
- Active-Duty Military Families
- Parkland Elementary Schools
- Leave of Absence
- School Completion (for out of boundary address changes)
- Out of boundary school reassignments