- Broward County Public Schools
- Violence Prevention
- Bullying Prevention
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Bullying Prevention
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To prevent and intervene with bullying, BCPS uses a multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) imbedded in the Response to Intervention (RtI) model to ensure the violence prevention and intervention strategies are delivered in increasingly higher intensity, as school, staff, and student needs dictate. BCPS also provides a list of approved Bullying Prevention Curriculum Programs to be used both school-wide and in the classroom. To learn more about these resources and others, click the icons below.
Content Accordion
Policy 5900 Anti-Bullying Forms
The School Board of Broward County has one of the nation’s most comprehensive Anti-Bullying policies. Policy 5900, adopted on July 22, 2008, helps to ensure all students feel safe and respected while attending school. "Bullying” investigations encompass bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, and discrimination for students.
The policy defines “bullying” as systematically and chronically inflicting physical hurt or psychological distress. To be determined to be bullying, the behavior must include all three elements. It must be:
R – Repeated (happens more than once), has an
I – Imbalance of Power (involves or is characterized by), and be
P – Purposeful (intends to harm the other person).The policy sets forth guidelines for the identification and reporting of bullying as well as a timeline for the investigation as dictated by the criteria and model policy provided by the Florida Department of Education, http://www.fldoe.org/safe-schools/bullying-prevention.stml. Please see below for more information and to view forms related to the policy.
Policy 5900 Training Modules: Policy 5900 annual training modules for students, staff, parents, Investigative Designees, agents, consultants, contractors, vendors, visitors, and volunteers are on the Training Modules webpage.
Policy 5900
- Anti-Bullying Policy 5900 English
- Anti-Bullying Policy 5900 Haitian Creole
- Anti-Bullying Policy 5900 Portuguese
- Anti-Bullying Policy 5900 Spanish
Other Policy Related Forms
- Investigation Flow Chart for Staff & Students
- Appeal Bullying Flow Chart for Staff & Students
- Bullying Complaint Report Form
- Hope Scholarship Flow Chart
- What to do if my child is being bullied? Here are some suggestions, but our hope is you will tell school staff as soon as you have any concerns.
- BCPS is committed to providing the highest quality education in a safe, respectful and violence-free environment. This authorized Bullying Prevention Curriculum & Programs List includes evidence-based interventions, curriculums and proven programs available to BCPS staff.
District Posters/Flyers for Display:
- The 4 Bullying Rules Poster
- The Four Be the 1 Bullying Interventions - Primary
- The Four Be the 1 Bullying Interventions - Secondary
- Reporting Flyer
- Be the 1 Anonymous Reporting Box Signs
- Be the 1 Posters - Primary
- Be the 1 Posters - Secondary
Forms for Investigative Designees: Broward County Public School (BCPS) school-based administrators access investigation related forms in the DMS SharePoint, Charter administrators in our department's SharePoint Charter Hub, and District administrators contact us at 754-321-1655.
Do you want to make an Anonymous Online Report?
Click here to go to SIU’s Online Anonymous Tip-line or use one of these reporting apps. -
Bullying/Harassment Complaint Form
If you would like to make a report of bullying or harassment, use the Bullying Complaint Report Form and provide it to the principal/Investigative Designee of a school or to the appropriate district department director.
Anonymous reports can also be made through Broward County Public School’s reporting webpage.
Make An Anonymous Report
Anonymous reports can be made through Broward County Public School’s reporting webpage. These services are designed to help us anonymously and securely report anything that we fear might endanger us at school. If there is an emergency, dial 911.
Hope Scholarship Program
Bullying and harassment are two of the Hope Scholarship Program's eligible incidents.
The Hope Scholarship Program is a state of Florida school choice program. Any BCPS student who reports they were the victim of a qualified incident at a K-12 public school, any school related or school-sponsored program or activity, riding the bus, or waiting at the bus stop is eligible. Learn more about Hope on the Florida Department of Education's website.
Evaluate Your School's Bullying Prevention MTSS
BCPS is committed to providing the highest quality education in a safe, respectful and violence-free environment. Bullying prevention and intervention efforts are embedded in a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS). Tiers of support increase in intensity as individual student and school needs dictate - at the universal (Tier 1), targeted (Tier 2), and intense individualized (Tier 3) levels.
View the BCPS Bullying MTSS and Evaluation Form to see the detailed tiers and the evaluation form we encourage schools to use in evaluating and improving their bullying prevention and intervention supports.
To learn more and access approved evidence-based services and resources, BCPS staff go to our department's resource SharePoint, Charter school administrators go to our department's Charter Hub, and community members can explore this website or call us at 754-321-1655.
Resources and Links
BCPS is committed to providing the highest quality education in a safe, respectful and violence-free environment. This authorized List of Bullying Prevention & Intervention Programs & Curriculum includes evidence-based interventions, curriculums and proven programs available to BCPS staff.
Please Note: A program or website being mentioned here does not imply endorsement by the School Board of Broward County and does not necessarily reflect its views. Contact the program developers directly for the most current information.
The ‘ABC’s of Bullying Prevention Book’ contains three bullying prevention lessons for every grade level designed to be taught each year, over the school life of each Broward County student.
Anti-Defamation League has numerous excellent resources on diversity and tolerance.
Best Practices of Youth Violence Prevention describes the effectiveness of specific violence prevention practices in four key areas: parents and families; home visiting; social and conflict resolution skills; and mentoring. It includes practical suggestions from professionals and advocates who have successfully started these programs in their communities.
Bullyinginfo.org: Find Youth Info has info on all federal resources on bullying.
CDC School Health Guidelines to Prevent Unintentional Injuries and Violence. Students have the right to learn in a safe and protective school environment. These guidelines were designed to help education agencies and schools promote safety and make schools safe places for students to learn.
Bullying prevention activities from the National Crime Prevention Council.
Common Sense Media has lessons on online safety, cyber citizenship, and cyberbullying grades K-12.
Division of Violence Prevention’s website highlighting resources for school violence. This site includes a number of resources including fact sheets, tips for coping with stress, data resources, prevention resources, and current CDC research on youth interpersonal violence.
First Call for Help, 211 Broward: “Help is Just a Phone Call Away!” A 24-hour, free, confidential telephone Helpline for crisis/suicide counseling, empathetic listening, and community information and referrals for health and human services in Broward County. Just Dial 2-1-1 or (954) 537-0211.
Florida Department of Education
GLSEN: The Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network, is a leading national education organization working to create safe schools for ALL students.
Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT) can help school districts, schools, and others conduct a clear, complete, and consistent analysis of health education curricula based on the National Health Education Standards and CDC’s Characteristics of Effective Health Education Curricula.
It’s OK to Feel Different is a Teaching Tolerance activity for students in grades K-5 that shows how bullying is not OK.
Learning for Justice (formerly Teaching Tolerance) has numerous classroom lessons, activities, videos, and teaching guides.
Mix It Up at Lunch Day – see also Teaching Tolerance.
National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP), a service of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has information on research-based curriculums and proven programs.
Pacer’s National Center for Bullying Prevention has classroom lessons, coloring books, posters, and other resources for all ages.
Peace Corps has lesson plans on peace and culture.
School Health Index can help schools implement school health guidelines and related strategies through this self-assessment and planning tool.
SERAPH Problem Solving Company, School Safety in America, “A Well Managed School is a Safe School”.
StopBullying.gov provides information, videos and lessons on how to prevent or stop bullying.
Surgeon General’s report on youth violence: This report uses a public health approach to examine the issue of youth interpersonal violence. It examines the factors that lead young people to gravitate toward violence, reviews the factors that protect youth from perpetrating violence and identifies 27 effective research-based preventive strategies.
Technical Package for the Prevention of Violence from the CDC
Data and Surveys
Quality data fundamentally underpins all the best resources and service provision. We use data to make informed decisions about critical needs and it shapes our prevention and intervention efforts. View the data we use related to violence prevention.