TEA Garden Food Forest

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    TEA Garden Food Forest

    TEA Garden Food Forest logoTechnology Enabled Agriculture or TEA Garden Food Forest at Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) is funded through The Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation, in partnership with the Broward Education Foundation and BCPS STEM+CS. It is an in-depth model to educate students, teachers and their communities on how and why they can sustainably grow edible food together in their neighborhoods. Integrating schoolyard edible gardening in classrooms, cafeterias and afterschool programs, the Broward TEA Garden Food Forest also incorporates exciting technology used in the agriculture industry, such as drones, sensors, artificial intelligence, and digital data collection and collaboration.

    Garden Delights Program Community GardenStudents engage in real-world, culturally relevant STEM project-based learning opportunities to create environmentally sustainable solutions to environmental challenges utilizing a range of technological innovations to monitor gardens, cultivation, and harvesting in their school and communities.

    For further information, contact us at BrowardSTEM@browardschools.com

Contact Information

  • Applied Learning

    600 SE Third Avenue

    Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

    Phone: 754-321-1878

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    Susan M. Cantrick


Broward STEM + Computer Science Curriculum Supervisor