- Broward County Public Schools
- High School Counseling
- What are the High School Graduation Requirements?
High School Graduation Requirements

There are several diploma options available for students.
- 24 credit Standard High School Diploma
- ACCEL 18 credit Diploma
- Career & Technical Education (CTE) Pathway
- *AICE Cambridge Curriculum
- *International Baccalaureate Curriculum
* AICE and IB Curriculum is only available at certain high schools.
Parents and students are encouraged to keep track of progress toward graduation by logging in to Virtual Counselor here and looking at the Graduation Progress section. Parents and student can also make an appointment to meet with their school counselor to discuss the best option for them.
Students should know their requirements and regularly monitor their progress toward earning a diploma. School counselors are available to assist students with planning for college and career readiness. Students can view an up-to-date report on their progress toward meeting graduation requirements on Virtual Counselor.Diploma Designations
Students can earn Diploma Designations on their high school diploma, each with its own requirements beyond the standard diploma criteria:
- The Scholar Diploma Designation aligns closely to the State University System's requirements for admission into a Florida university. In addition to meeting the standard high school diploma requirements, students must earn certain credits in accelerated, rigorous courses and pass End-of-Course (EOC), AP, IB, or AICE exams.
- The Industry Scholar (formerly Merit Designation) requires students to earn at least one industry certification in addition to their high school diploma.
- The Florida Seal of Biliteracy Program was established to recognize high school graduates who have attained a high level of competency in listening, speaking, reading and writing in one or more foreign languages, in addition to English, by the award of a silver or gold seal on a standard high school diploma.
The following charts outline the specific graduation and Diploma Designation requirements for students who entered the 9th grade in 2014-2015 and thereafter. These requirements, along with all other academic rules, are located in School Board Policy 4000.
View Graduation Requirements
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Students who entered 9th grade in school years 2020-2021 and Prior
Graduation Requirements English
Graduation Requirements Spanish
Graduation Requirements Haitian Creole
Graduation Requirements Portuguese
Students who entered 9th grade in school years 2021-2022 and After
Graduation Requirements English
Graduation Requirements Spanish
Testing Requirements for High School Graduation
Students Who Started 9th Grade in School Year 2020-21 or After
In order to earn a standard high school diploma, students need to meet testing requirement for both the FSA ELA and the Algebra 1 EOC exam. Students who started 9th grade in school year 2018-19 or after can satisfy the testing requirements in one of the following ways.
- Earn a level 3 or higher on the FSA or FSAA ELA
- *Earn an average of a 17.5 or higher for BOTH the Reading & English ACT test sections.
- *Earn a concordant score of 480 or higher on the EBRW portion of the SAT test.
- *Students who are in the Exceptional Student Education program should meet with their ESE Specialist to see if a waiver is available.
*Students who attended a Florida Public School in the 10th grade must first attempt the 10th grade FSA ELA in order to use one of these options.
Algebra EOC
- Earn a level 3 or higher on the FSA or FSAA Algebra EOC Exam.
- Earn a level 3 or higher on the FSA or FSAA Geometry EOC Exam.
- **Earn a concordant score of 16 or higher on Math portion of the ACT test.
- **Earn a concordant score of 420 or higher on Math portion of the SAT test.
- **Earn a concordant score of 430 or higher on Math portion of the PSAT NMSQT 10th grade or higher test.
- **Earn a passing score on an Algebra test taken in a state with an acceptable equivalent. See your school counselor for details.
- **Students who are in the Exceptional Student Education program should meet with their ESE Specialist to see if a waiver is available.
** Students who took Algebra 1 in a Florida public school must first attempt to take the Algebra 1 EOC exam in order to use one of these options.
Points To Remember When Choosing A Graduation Program
- Students who choose the ACCEL 18 credit graduation program may still qualify for acceleration programs (e.g., AP, dual enrollment, IB, and AICE) and for a Florida Bright Futures Scholarship if they meet the eligibility and/or admission requirements for those programs and scholarships.
- Students who choose the ACCEL 18 credit graduation program can participate in the National Merit Scholarship Program if they take the PSAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) in either the next-to-last year or the last year they are enrolled in high school. Those who take the PSAT/NMSQT in their last year of high school will be entering competition for awards to be offered as they are completing their first year of college.
- Students who choose the ACCEL program and complete the requirements within three years can choose to graduate in three years. Students who choose this option are not required to graduate early and may elect to stay in school for a fourth year. However, once a student chooses to graduate and earns a diploma, they cannot remain in school for an additional year. Students will lose a year of potential athletic eligibility by opting for the three-year program.
- Students who meet specified requirements for a comprehensive program of study in career education may be recognized with a Florida Ready to Work Credential or designation reflecting one or more industry certifications.
- High school credits awarded before grade nine shall be counted toward the required credits for all graduation. Students who plan to apply to an out-of-state or private in-state college or university and who are interested in the three-year graduation program should contact those institutions as early as possible for specific admission requirements.
- Students who choose the ACCEL 18 credit graduation program must be treated equally in all ways with students who choose the 24-credit program, including eligibility for valedictorian or salutatorian ranking, Talented 20, and Bright Futures Scholarships.
- The student and student's parent(s) should meet with designated school personnel to receive an explanation of the relative requirements, advantages, and disadvantages of each program option.
International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
- Please refer to the IB Organization website for the most current diploma requirements for this graduation option.
Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) Diploma
- Please refer to the AICE Organization website for the most current diploma requirements for this graduation option.
Certificate of Completion
- A student may receive a standard Certificate of Completion when he/she completes the course requirements for graduation, but is unable to meet one or more of the following:
- Passing score on the required statewide, standardized assessments or concordant score.
- Cumulative unweighted GPA of 2.0.
- A student who has received a Standard Certificate of Completion may elect to remain in the secondary school either as a full-time or part-time student for up to one additional year and receive special instruction designed to remedy his or her identified deficiencies
- A student who receives a standard Certificate of Completion may participate in the graduation ceremonies with his or her class.
- A student who receives a Certificate of Completion due to missing test scores, and has met all other graduation requirements, including the GPA requirement, may start classes at Broward College, however, the student would be ineligible for financial aid until they have earned a Standard High School Diploma.
Early High School Graduation
A high school student who pursues the four-year 24-credit or 18 credit ACCEL high school graduation program may have the option to participate in early graduation (graduating in less than 8 semesters). A student who completes his/her graduation requirements prior to their traditional graduation date may graduate early.
A student who graduates early may continue to participate in school activities and social events and attend and participate in graduation events with the student’s cohort, as if the student were still enrolled in high school. A student who graduates early will be included in class ranking, honors, and award determinations for the student’s cohort. A student who graduates early must comply with district school board rules and policies regarding access to the school facilities and grounds during normal operating hours.
Requesting a High School Transcript
If you are a current student in Broward County, or have graduated within the last 5 years, you should see the Registrar at your high school to request a transcript.
If you have graduated from high school more than 5 years ago, you will need to request a transcript from our Records Retention office here.
Contact Information
School Counseling
1400 NW 14th Court
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311
Phone: --
Daniel Shapiro