Real Estate & Environmental Planning

Real Estate & Environmental Planning
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    Real Estate and Environmental Planning is the depository for all original Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) real estate records. The Real Estate and Environmental Planning staff is responsible for coordinating and obtaining School Board approval for all facility lease agreements with local municipalities for joint use of recreational areas on and off-campus; reciprocal use agreement for use of facilities; construction and/or lease and funding agreements; interlocal agreements; Resident on Campus Security (ROCS) lease agreements; commercial leases for community schools, administrative and ancillary sites, and special events; pool leases and graduation license agreements.

    Arial view of Freeway The Real Estate and Environmental Planning staff provides support services to assist other departments in finding locations, negotiating agreements, assuring that prospective leased spaces are code compliant, meet ADA requirements, and meet the needs of the programs slated for the leased space.

    The Real Estate and Environmental Planning staff is responsible for locating land for new schools, as necessary for the acquisition of buildings; the disposition/sale (as applicable) of School Board declared surplus real property, site expansions and ancillary facilities; obtains boundary surveys, environmental site assessments, geotechnical reports, appraisals, traffic studies, and other due-diligence reports; provides technical data and real estate availability information; coordinates with local municipalities to ensure that the land use of desired school sites are consistent with the local municipality's comprehensive plan; negotiates sale prices and assists in the preparation of the Agreements of Sale and Purchase for presentation to the School Board for approval. As necessary, obtains local approval for rezoning prior to closing; coordinates environmental permitting; obtains local and county approvals on platting issues, coordinates county development management agreements and obtains School Board approval.

    The Real Estate and Environmental Planning staff also provides support to Project Managers during construction and post construction of school and ancillary facility projects in preparing and processing utility agreements, temporary access agreements, and easements.

Contact Information

  • Facility Planning & Real Estate

    600 SE Third Avenue

    Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33301

    Phone: 754-321-2160

    Fax: 754-321-2179

    TTL: --

    Phone: --

    Christopher Akagbosu
