Chronic Health Conditions

Chronic Health Conditions Header

Parent/Guardian Instructions for Students with Chronic Health Conditions

  • If your child has a chronic health condition and may need assistance while in school, he/she should be referred to the principal at your child’s school.

    Students may require assistance with medical procedures while in school.  Some examples include students with diabetes, asthma, seizures or severe allergic reactions to peanuts or insect stings.

    All medical procedures are child-specific. Examples of medical procedures are as follows:

    • Clean Intermittent Catheterization
    • G-Tube Feedings
    • Suctioning
    • Blood Glucose Monitoring/Insulin Administration/Glucagon
    • Epi-pen administration for severe allergic reaction
    • Diastat rectal gel

    A completed Authorization for Medication/Treatment form is required for all medical procedures to be performed during the school day.

Planning for Students with Chronic Health Conditions

  • Each student with a chronic health condition should have a health care plan and his/her condition entered on the A06 Health Screen. The goal of the care plan is to provide school personnel with the information necessary to assist the student with health concerns while in school.

    Some students will require advance planning to meet emergency care needs due to their medical conditions or physical abilities.  An Emergency Plan of Care should be done ahead of time and be easily accessible to those individuals assisting students in emergency situations.


  • Medical Conditions

    Some students may have medical conditions that could put them at risk for life-threatening allergies such as peanuts and insect stings.

    These students need to be identified and your school nurse (“on-site" or “on-call”) made aware of the situation.  Your school nurse can initiate an Emergency Plan of Care for these students and make sure the appropriate school staff is knowledgeable of how to handle emergency situations and accessible to individuals who are responsible for assisting the students, should an emergency arise.

  • Physical Abilities

    Other students may have special emergency needs due to their physical abilities.  For example, some may be in a wheelchair or walk with assistive devices.  These students will need special arrangements in the event of a school-wide evacuation.  A plan needs to be developed which includes designating a person who is responsible for assisting these students with safety.

  • Which student needs a health care plan?

    • Students with a chronic condition identified on their A06 screen, medical history or emergency card.
    • Students who are seen frequently in the health clinic with the same symptoms or conditions.
    • Students who are frequently absent from school due to illness or health concerns.

  • What type of information should be on a health care plan?

    • Symptoms the student is likely to exhibit.
    • Treatment modalities that are appropriate for that student
    • Nothing of a confidential nature should be on the health care plan without parental permission.

  • Who should develop the health care plan?

    School health personnel should evaluate student needs for school attendance and work with family to ensure the child’s needs are met and the student is able to participate in school activities safely. The school nurse (on-site or on-call) should develop the health care plan with parent and school staff involvement.

Contact Information

  • Coordinated Student Health Services

    1400 NW 14 Court

    Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311

    Phone: 754-321-1575

    Fax: 754-321-1695

    TTL: --

    Phone: --

    Heather Katcher RN, MSN, CPN, NCSN
