New Hire Salary Schedule

New Hire Salary
    • Instructional Salary Schedule

    Each year, salary is negotiated between the Broward Teacher’s Union & The District.

      • Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)
        • Article 19 = Professional Compensation
        • Appendix E = includes the salary schedules 
      • There are two Instructional Salary Schedules: Grandfathered and Pay-for Performance

    Grandfathered Salary Schedule

    Must have been employed with Broward Schools prior to 2011 and NOT had a break-in-service (resignation, retirement, released, etc.)
    Newly hired teachers to Broward cannot be placed on this schedule per Florida Statute.

    Pay-for-Performance (PFP) Salary Schedule

      • Newly hired instructional employees are placed on the Pay-for-Performance (PFP) Salary Schedule. 
      • Newly hired teachers on a 196 calendar with 0-16 years of experience will have a starting salary of $48,925.  
      • Newly hired teachers on a 196 calendar with 17-20 years of teaching and/or non-teaching related work experience will start at $48,925 until appropriate work credit forms are verified. ​ 
      • All new hired teachers with more than 16 years of teaching and/or non-teaching related work experience should submit the appropriate forms to be added to their personal file with the district.  


    196 Calendar Salary Initial Placement Pay-for-Performance Schedule for 2024-25










      206, 216 and 241 Calendars Pay-for-Performance Schedule for 2023-2024 









    • +$500 for new hires; as allocated by Referendum funding until the school year ending 2027.
    • Hourly rate is based on a 7.5 hour day.
    • The initial placement increase will be paid as a supplement over 20 payments.  If hired after August of the current school year, a portion of the supplement will be paid. 
    • Teachers on a calendar greater than 196 will receive pay for the additional days.  The formula is the following: Hourly rate ($33.28) * hours worked (7.5) * calendar days (e.g., 206) 
    •  Experience Credit
        • Teachers with 17 or more years of experience must submit the appropriate Teaching and/or Non-Teaching Work Related Experience Form(s) to receive credit for the experience.


    Cafeteria Plan/Benefit Enhancement $300

      • The Board will provide twenty-five dollars ($25) per month not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300) per employee per school year. 
      • Employees hired after the commencement of the school year shall receive twenty-five dollars ($25) per month for each full month of employment.
      • The $300 will slightly increase your hourly rate ($300/196= $1.5306)
      • NOTE: Per FS 1012.22, increases/raises will be based on your overall end of year evaluation.  NOTE: During this time, evaluations are not being conducted. Therefore, it has not been determined how raises will be applied.

    Payment for Advanced Degrees Stipend

    New hires/rehires after July 1, 2011 must have an advanced degree matching the area shown on your Florida certificate to qualify for stipend. 

      • Master's Degree = $3,650
      • Specialist Degree = $6,800
      • Doctorate Degree = $8,000


      • Example:  Hold a certificate in Biology and have a Master’s degree with a conferred major in Biology.
      • Example:  Hold a certificate in Elementary Education and have a Master’s degree with a conferred major in Elementary Education.
      • Shown as recurring payments in 20 paychecks starting in September and ending in May.

    *NEW HIRES/REHIRES ON OR AFTER 7/1/2011 - Per FL Statute 1012.22(1)(c)(3), payment for advanced degrees will only be provided if the degree is held in the area of certification shown on the Florida certificate. Therefore, general graduate degrees such as Curriculum and Instruction or Education, which do not match any of the Department of Education certification subjects, would not be acceptable unless the transcript identifies a major or specialization in your certificate subject (e.g., Mathematics, English, Elementary Education, etc.). To determine if your degree matches the certification held on your FL Department of Education teaching certificate, please view a listing of the Certification Acceptable Majors.