Master Plans & Innovation Configurations

  • It is the intent of the Broward Professional Development System to require a Master Plan for any professional development or credentialing/qualifications aligned to the District Priorities and the Strategic plan. Each Master Plan mandates the purpose of professional learning as “increasing educator/employee effectiveness and results for students and/or job performance” as it relates to the design of the plan. Standards-based professional learning focuses on District priorities, strengthens individual performance, and supports the goals of individuals, departments, and the organization as a whole.


    • Clarifies expectations about the role and responsibility of a specific position or job
    • Provides guidance for self-assessment
    • Helps those who use it to visualize what the desired outcome will look like when it is reached
    • Identifies concrete actions for individuals
    • Supports the development of short-term and long-term benchmarks
    • Provides a basis for professional learning and development


    AN IC:

    • Clarifies expectations about the innovation
    • Provides guidance for self-assessment
    • Helps those who use it to visualize what an innovation will look like when completed
    • Identifies concrete actions for implementers
    • Supports the development of short-term and long-term benchmarks
    • Provides a basis for professional learning and development


    • Is approved by the Florida State Department of Education according to a review schedule and is in place until the new one is approved.
    • Contains information unique to each program, required by the Florida Department of Education.

    TEMPLATES -  Writing your own IC or Master Plan? Please contact your Professional Development Specialist for assistance.