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    Strategic Initiative Management Logo

    2027 Student Outcomes Focused Strategic Plan

    The School Board of Broward County, Florida has adopted a student outcomes-focused approach to governing. Our goal is to improve what students know and can do with the knowledge and skills Broward County Public Schools provide to succeed in the future.

    2027 Student Outcomes Focused Strategic Plan - Interactive Web Version  

    The Office of Strategic Initiative Management (SIM) plays a vital role in BCPS by supporting the District-wide goal of maximizing student outcomes directly through strategic plan execution. We work closely with all divisions to ensure the successful achievement of the Goals and Guardrails outlined in the BCPS Strategic Plan. Through a collaborative approach, SIM facilitates and executes strategic planning, process improvement initiatives, project management, and performance management reviews. As part of the Office of the Chief of Staff, SIM is dedicated to fostering a culture of continuous improvement and driving positive change throughout the District.

    Mission: Driving excellence through strategic execution.

    Vision: Driving organizational excellence and fostering inclusive partnerships to empower student success.

    SIM Diagram

Contact Information

  • Strategic Initiative Management

    600 SE Third Avenue, 12th Floor

    Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

    Phone: 754-321-2525

    Fax: --

    TTL: --

    Email: sim@browardschools.com

    Phone: --

    Adrian Parker

    Executive Director