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In June, 2014, Florida's state board of education adopted WIDA English language proficiency standards to guide the instruction of English-language learners. In addition, WIDA's English-language-proficiency assessment (ACCESS for ELLs) replaced the former state-mandated assessment (CELLA).
Since 2003, the WIDA Consortium has been designing language development standards to provide support for both students and teachers. The WIDA standards framework incorporates multiple theories and approaches in an effort to describe language use in academic contexts. The focus is on the language that language learners must acquire and negotiate to participate successfully in school. Local and national experts were consulted to ensure consistency with linguistic and educational theories and to comply with Federal legislation.
Please click here to access the WIDA standards and resources in support of their implementation:
- English Language Development Standards
- WIDA CAN DO Philosophy
- Guiding Principles of Language Development
- WIDA Performance Definitions: Listening and Reading
- WIDA Performance Definitions: Speaking and Writing
- WIDA Features of Academic Language
- WIDA 2012 Amplified ELD Standards
- WIDA Performance Definitions
- WIDA RtI2 for ELLs
- WIDA RtI2 Planning Form
- Can Do Descriptors
- ELL CAN DO Booklet – Grades Pre K - K
- ELL CAN DO Booklet – Grades 1-2
- ELL CAN DO Booklet – Grades 3-5
- ELL CAN DO Booklet – Grades 6-8
- ELL CAN DO Booklet – Grades 9-12