- Cooper City High School
- School Rules
We Care - Know The Rules
The School Board of Broward County, Florida (SBBC) consists of nine elected School Board Members who serve four-year terms. Two of the School Board Members are elected “at large” by all of the electors in Broward County. The other seven School Board Members are elected from seven school board member residence areas. The School Board Members, along with the Superintendent, oversee the sixth-largest District in the nation. The SBBC implements policies that govern ethical, fiduciary, and scholastic mandates, protocols, and procedures for the District's schools, offices, and departments subject to any applicable federal, state, or local laws. The SBBC answers to the residents and taxpayers of Broward County in an ethical, open, and transparent manner.
A school principal may supplement District policies by outlining rules specific to the school such as uniform colors, cell phone usage areas, and drop off/pick up times. However, school rules are limited in scope and do not supersede school district policies.
Our School Rules
Anonymous/Non-Anonymous Security Tip Reporting
Call 911 immediately in an emergency.
Safety, Security and Emergency Preparedness / Report a Safety or Security Tip
Submit a safety or security tip that is not an emergency directly to the District Security Operations Center (DSOC), open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (including holidays). CLICK or TAP on the icon below.
From there, choose the reporting tool that works best for you by learning more about how they work and how easy they are to use.What to report: Please report safety and security threats, bullying and harassing behaviors, illegal activity, self-endangerment behaviors, etc.
Details are everything: Please provide as many details as you can, such as names and physical description of anyone involved, school location, social media handles, date of when threats are supposed to occur, etc.
We respect your privacy and care about your safety. Your tip is shared only with investigators and administrators assigned to the tip.
Remember, helping is not the same as snitching. We are counting on you to help us help a friend.
Be a Broward Buddy, Report a Tip! -
Visitor Parking
All visitors must park in the designated visitor parking spaces. Please do not park in spaces designated for faculty and staff or in the bus loop.
Student Parking
Students must have a decal to park in the student parking area(s).
Parking decals are available through Administration, baring availability and eligibility.
Please do not leave valuables in your car.
Students must arrive at school on time every day. The first bell rings at 7:35 AM. Students should be in class by the second bell at 7:40 AM.
Students arriving to class after 7:40 AM will be considered TARDY. If students arrive after 7:40 AM, the student will need to obtain a pass from the front office to be admitted to class.
The dismissal time is 2:40 PM. All students are expected to remain in school for the entire school day. No students will be dismissed 30 minutes prior to the last bell for safety reasons.
Parents & Visitors
All visitors, including parents, must check into the Front Office. An official photo identification (ID) is required. Acceptable forms of ID include the following:
- Driver’s license
- Florida’s official state identification card
- Passport
As an added layer of security metal detectors are being implemented at our school this year. Metal detectors are now installed in all BCPS high schools at school entry points to screen students and visitors for weapons and other prohibited items.
Dress Code
Students have a responsibility to follow the BCPS Dress Code Policy, whether on campus or participating in a school-sponsored activity. All students are expected to honor their responsibilities and dress in a way that respects the rights of others.
The Wireless Communication Devices Policy - Disconnect to Reconnect
Disconnect to Reconnect: The School Board of Broward County is proud to be an “A” Rated School District and is taking an important step to elevate student learning by providing a distraction-free environment. Starting this year, during the school day, students will Disconnect to Reconnect. Effective this year, the use of wireless devices during the school day, including passing periods and lunchtime, is not permitted. All wireless communication devices must be powered off or in airplane mode from bell to bell. Cell phones, laptops, headphones, smartwatches and all other wireless devices must be turned off unless directed otherwise by a school employee for instructional purposes. As students and families adjust to this standard, the first two weeks of school, August 12-23, 2024, will serve as a grace period during which students can understand the new policy without disciplinary consequences. The Wireless Communication Devices Policy will be implemented and enforced beginning Monday, August 26, 2024. Find more information and answers to frequently asked questions by visiting com/wirelessdevices
Pick Up/Drop Off
Controlling School Traffic is Essential for Safety
Students should be picked up and dropped off at the car loops only. Safety and Security remain our top priority.
Morning Arrival 7:10 AM - 7:35 AM
- Parent Drop Off
Please enter campus through the Stirling Road gate by the school marquee. Make a right turn and follow around the church parking lot to re-enter the parent loop. Pull up all the way forward to the front of the school to drop your child off. Students will enter campus through the North or South tunnel entrances located to the north and south of the main office. Students must have their ID's to enter campus. Parents should drop off students no earlier than 7:05 AM. - Student Walkers/Bike Riders
Student walkers must enter campus via the designated crosswalk on Stirling Road, the crosswalk gate by the marquee, or through the Dudley Road gate. Bike riders or skateboarders have to walk their bike or skateboard once they enter the campus gates and have to walk on sidewalks. Bikes can be locked in the front of the school on the bike racks and skateboards are brought to the skateboard room in the cafe.
Afternoon Dismissal 2:40PM - 3:00PM- Parents picking up students after dismissal must enter car line using the entrance off of Stirling Road by the school marquee. Make a right turn and follow around the church parking lot to enter the parent car loop by the front of the school. Pull up all the way forward to the front of the school to pick up your child.
- Parents and visitors coming onto campus during school hours must pass through a security checkpoint and show proper ID. Students may be signed out by a parent or guardian listed on the emergency contact information daily before 2:10 PM.
- After 3 PM, students in extracurricular activities are to be picked up on the south side of campus using the Stirling Road entrance. Parents are to make a quick left into the South Lot once entering campus and pick up their child at the South crash bar gate and exit using the same entrance.
All campus visitors and staff are required to follow posted traffic warning and safety signage, blinking lights/signage, speed limits of 5 mph, orange traffic cones, and safety directions at all times while on campus. This includes a prohibition of cell phone usage while in a parent pick-up lane or driving on campus.
Dismissal and Student walkers- As student walkers exit our campus, they are to utilize the marked pedestrian crosswalks to cross Stirling Road by the marquee sign or exit via Dudley Gate by SW 90th Ave. There is no crosswalk directly between CCHS and Cooper Square. Jaywalking students risk not only a civil citation but also a potential injury to themselves and/or others.
Message From BSO: Cooper Square Plaza is for the benefit of enjoying a nice time with friends and family or otherwise patronizing businesses, but illegal or otherwise disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, loitering with no purpose, blocking traffic, causing disturbances, trespassing (such as climbing or accessing the roof ladders or hanging from the awnings, etc.), vandalism, failing to obey the lawful orders of Law Enforcement, etc. will result in sanctions, up to and including arrest. The plaza is not allowing its parking lot to be used for the drop-off or pick up of students. In addition, Deputies are authorized to trespass and warn any and all persons on behalf of the plaza (an affidavit is on file) and will do so to any student or person who they deem is causing a disturbance, loitering, or is sanctioned for any reason. - Parent Drop Off
Emergency Drills
All Broward County Public Schools conduct regular exercises and drills at various times as outlined in the Florida Fire Code and Florida Administrative Code.
To aid in this process, every school has a designated SAFE team comprised of faculty and staff who have been specially trained on appropriate procedures to ensure every school follows safety protocol.
Discussion-based tabletop exercises are also conducted regularly with staff, faculty, and community partners, and the results of these exercises are documented and incorporated into school safety plans as necessary.
All public schools are required to conduct one (1) fire drill per month with one (1) additional occurring within the first 30 days. Additionally, public schools are required to conduct, at a minimum, six (6) emergency drills every school year that are nonconcurrent with fire drills. One emergency drill must take place within the first ten (10) days of the beginning of the school year, and the remaining drills may not occur more than forty-five (45) days apart. Four (4) of the six (6) emergency drills must address active threats. The remaining two (2) drills must address other emergency events, such as severe weather, natural disasters, hazardous materials incidents, or reunification.
Students are expected to fully participate in drills and follow the directions of faculty and staff. -
Absence Reporting
According to SBBC Policy 5.5: All students under 16 are required to attend school every day of the 180-day school year. Absences are established by tardiness, early sign-outs, or absences for all or part of any day. The maximum number of acceptable absences is 5 days. Additionally, please note that students may not be released after 2:00 p.m.
- Parents have 2 days (48 hours) in which to report an absence.
- Make up work for credit and grade is allowed for ALL absences. Learn more about Homework/Makeup Work.
Report an absence during eLearning
eLearning Phase 2: Students Learning at School or Home
To Report an Absence: If your child will be absent from school and will not participate in eLearning from home, please use the Online Absence Reporting Form or Attendance Hotline to communicate the absence.
New Attendance Code: To help school staff track which students are learning from home, a new code was created. An "H" in Pinnacle Attendance means the student was present for eLearning at home during their scheduled class time.
Parents are encouraged to report their child's excused absence. There are two social distancing options to report an absence:
- Submit an online form by clicking on the link above or in the BCPS Mobile App (Directory icon), or
- Leave a message at the school's attendance hotline
When reporting an absence, please include the following information:
- Name of parent reporting absence
- Phone number of parent reporting absence
- Child’s first and last name
- Child’s school ID number or date of birth
- Child's grade level
- Date of absence
- Reason for absence
Excused Absences
Parents are expected to report absences within two days of the absence. If requested by the school, the parent must provide documentation of an illness from a licensed health care practitioner.
Students must be in school unless the absence has been permitted or excused for one of the reasons listed below:- Illness of student (Physical or Mental Health)
- Illness of an immediate family member
- Death in the family
- Religious holiday
- Required court appearance or subpoena
- Special event
- Scheduled medical or dental appointment
- Student has a communicable disease
- eLearning: Technology issue (device or internet)
- eLearning: Username/Password issue
Students on field trips, attending alternative to suspension programs, or in internal suspension programs are not considered absent.
For more information about attendance, policies, or procedures, visit browardschools.com/attendance.
School-wide Positive Behavior Plan
For Cooper City High's School-wide Positive Behavior Plan (SPBP) Please Click Here.