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    *During e-learning:  Ms. Siwek will accept forms electronically (christine.siwek@browardschools.com).  Please allow time for processing.    


    **During e-learning: For Part D of Approval Form, E-mail Ms. Siwek the Agency information for Pre-approval to determine if they are eligible per BCPS guidelines, and if it's an approved agency she will sign actual Approval Form after it's turned in.


    Service Learning Graduation Requirement

    All students seeking a Standard High School Diploma are required to complete a minimum of 40 hours of community service. The Bright Futures Florida Medallion Scholars Award requires 75 hours of volunteer service.  The Bright Futures Florida Academic Scholars Award requires 100 hours of volunteer service. Students completing 250 or more hours will receive a silver cord at graduation. It is recommended that students turn in hours as they complete them per grade level.  Hours are due to school coordinator before April 1st of a students last year of high school.  We suggest that students keep a copy of their hours for their own records and verification.

    COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS - What does and doesn't count! 

    • Volunteer hours may be earned within the school, community or for any non-profit or charitable organization. 
    • Students may not perform hours for any “for profit” businesses such as doctors, attorneys, stores, or restaurants.   
    • Hours do not count if you have been financially compensated.   
    • Time out of class may not be used for service hours.
    • A parent or fellow student cannot sign off on service hours performed.
    • Service hours performed as a result of disciplinary action for the school or courts do not count.
    • Hours do not count at for-profit summer camps.


    Submit forms to your Service Learning Coordinator before school (7am-7:30am) or after school (2:30pm-3pm)   

    CCHS Service Learning Coordinator 
    All Grade Levels --  Mrs. Siwek, located in Guidance/BRACE Department 

    Forms and Guidelines Here