  • The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery -- Mark Van Doren

    Staff Directory

    At the Entrepreneur and Leadership Military Academy, you will receive a distinctive educational experience guided by a team of gifted mentors, teachers, and retired military instructors who bring real life experiences to the classroom.

  • Principal Mr. Most

    Col. (Civ.) Daniel Most


  • LtC Espinosa

    Lt Col. (Civ.) Luis Espinosa
    Assistant Headmaster


  • Chief Jones

    Chief Eddie A. Jones
    Chief Warrant Officer Four (R), US Army
    PhD (c)
    Senior Army Instructor, Entrepreneur Leadership Military Academy at Hollywood Hills High School


  • Sgt Gonzalez

    1st Sgt. (Ret.) Abraham Gonzalez
    LET III and LET II Instructor


  • Ms. Peloqun 

    Maj. (Civ.) Joanna Peloquin
    Magnet Program Coordinator