• Welcome to ESOL!

    ESOL Banner The Hollywood Hills High School ESOL program ensures that students for whom English is not their first language have the opportunity to achieve the same educational goals and standards as all students.  Equal access is provided to ESOL students to all programs, services, and school-sponsored activities, including programs required for advancement to college, commensurate with their ages and grade levels.  In accordance with ESOL Program protocols, guidance is provided regarding:

    • Student identification and placement
    • Student proficiency levels
    • Annual assessments
    • Models of program delivery
    • Other program implementation information

    The goal of the Hollywood Hills High School ESOL Program is to develop student listening, speaking, reading, and writing proficiency so that ESOL student performance over time is equivalent to that of their comparable native English-speaking peers.

    Multicultural Education Program

    The focus of Multicultural Education is to promote global education and a better understanding among cultures.  Multicultural Education fosters a respect and appreciation for peoples of different cultures. 

    Multicultural Education aims at helping students of Hollywood Hills High School in the development of knowledge, abilities, and attitudes needed to to survive and function effectively in a culturally diverse society.  

    For more information, please click this link.