- Coral Springs High School
- Black Student Union
The Black Student Union is an organization comprised of members who are interested in or already share a love for Black culture. Our goal is to celebrate Black culture, educate students on Black history, promote academic excellence, and teach leadership skills through interactive projects and activities inside and outside of school. We also participate in activities created by our Student Government to support our school and local community.SPONSOR
Ms. Kimberley BrownRoom 1013
Email: kimberley.brown@browardschools.com
OFFICERS (2021-2022)
PRESIDENT: Rachea McDonald
VICE PRESIDENT: Angelina BrownSECRETARY: Kylene Collins
ARTIST: Tatiana Jackson and Courtney Wilson
HISTORIAN: Jaden Antoine and Alexander Rowe
PUBLICIST: Tayina Altidor
MEETING DATES: 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month in room 1013.REMINDERS and INFORMATION: Be sure to get reminders and updates on…
Remind: Text @cshsblack to 81010
Twitter and Instagram: @cshsblackPARTICIPATION: New and returning members must attend at least 5 meetings or activities per school year to be considered an active member.
DUES: $30.00 will be paid for dues. Students will use Dues for t-shirt payment and for bi-weekly individually wrapped snacks.
Typical activities include: Black History Month posters and activities, group volunteering at local organizations, t-shirt days, local gatherings, trivia activities and games, group discussions, field trips, school wide events, special guest speakers, Thanksgiving baskets, potlucks, sidewalk painting, Kwanzaa activities, canned food drives, collaborations with other clubs and organizations, fundraisers and much more!
All students are welcome at the BSU