• Business Professionals of America




    Mission Statement 

    Our mission at Business Professionals of America is to develop and empower student leaders to discover their passion and change the world by creating unmatched opportunities in learning, professional growth, and service. 


    Sponsor Information 

    Mrs. Brenda Schaffer: brenda.schaffer@browardschools.com 

    Mr. Jason Freedman: jason.freedman@browardschools.com 



    President – Jaden Anderson 

    Vice President – Wonchae Lee 

    Treasurer – Givinchie Gordon 

    Recording Secretary – Edwin Castillo 

    Social Media Coordinator/Historian – Damir Penaranda 

    Officer applications will open during the end of the 2022-2023 school year for next year’s officers. 


    Meeting Dates and Location 

    Meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month at Mrs. Schaffer’s room in 216. 


    Club Pertinent Information 

    Our Instagram is @cshs_bpa. We will put out announcements and other information from this platform as well as highlight successful students and our team. 

    Our email is cshsbpaclub@gmail.com. Please email us if you have any questions. 

    Our website is sites.google.com/view/cshs-bpa. Use this site as a general resource for events, competition dates, contact information, etc. 

    All announcements regarding the club will be in the BAND App: https://band.us/n/a4a976Pcn2RdL 


    Club Requirements/ Membership Criteria 

    • All club members must be in one of CSHS's business classes. If you have any extenuating circumstances, please contact the officers through the BAND app or contact Mrs. Schaffer / Mr. Freedman.  
    • All club members must pay dues which are $15 & are due October 15th. These dues cover our club t-shirt and our required club dues to the Florida and National BPA. 



    Dues are $15. It is a one-time payment to cover for the BPA organization & T-Shirts. 


    Traditional Events/Patronages 

    We have 3 competitions each year. The district, state, and national level across the United States.  

    • Districts will be held at Coral Springs High School and Pompano Beach High School 
    • States will be held at Orlando, Florida 
    • Nationals will be held at Anaheim, California.  


    Benefits of Membership 

    • Travel the across country with your peers and make lasting memories. 
    • Compete against thousands of students at the district, state, and national level. 
    • Get awards for outstanding achievement in competitions. 
    • Apply and win scholarships exclusive to BPA. 
    • Become certified in different fields (Adobe, Python, Word, Excel). 
    • Build bonds between partners and others on the team as we travel and compete together. 
    • Run for district, state, and national offices. 
    • Participate in service projects organized by a team of national officers and advisors.