- Tedder Elementary
- Primary Reading Information
Hello Tedder Bears!
Welcome to Information for Primary Reading!
Reading in the primary grades is a very exciting time for students. They are learning how to comprehend stories and text, learning to sound out words, figuring out vowel pairs, diagraphs, and blends. Each day is a new adventure in reading.
Kindergarten- Students in kindergarten are learning about letters, letter sounds, and how print works. By the end of kindergarten, students should be reading at an instructional level D. Ways to help reading at home are by working on the sight words teachers send home, playing games with letters and sounds, building words and sounding them out, and by reading each night. When you are reading with your child, stop throughout the book and ask questions about the story.
Questions when reading:
Who are the characters? What do you like about the characters?
Where is the story taking place?
How is this story like another story that you read?
What do you think will happen next in the story?
What has happened so far in the story?
First Grade- by the end of first grade, students should be reading at an instructional level J. Ways that you can help at home are by practicing the sight and spelling words teachers send home and by having your child read to you each night. While reading, stop and ask your child questions about the story. Another important aspect of reading is having your child figure out the words in story. Have them try to sound the word out rather than you tell them what the word is. This will help them work on their phonics skills.
Second Grade- by the end of second grade, students should be reading at an instructional level M. During second grade reading, it is really important that students work on comprehension skills and dive deep into books. Your child is still working on more complex vowel patterns during this time as well. Please practice the spelling words your child’s teacher sends home each week and have your child read to you every night.
Two great resources for reading that you can use at home are iReady and MyOn. The links for each of the websites on the Reading Website.
If you need any assistance or have questions about your child’s reading, please do not hesitate to call Mr. LaPlante 754-322-8656.
Happy Reading!