- Bair Middle
- Magnet
Magnet Programs Information
Magnet Programs Overview
The Broward County Public School district is a nationally recognized leader in the quality and diversity of education we offer students. Magnet programs offer educational choices in Broward County Public Schools. While similar courses and programs may be available in comprehensive schools, Magnet programs attract students by offering unique opportunities for in-depth experiences and study in specific areas of interest. Each Magnet program emphasizes a specialized theme. Our goal is to create educational interests, celebrate cultural and ethnic diversity, and foster student achievement.
Magnet Programs- Expand educational choices for students
- Promote diversity within our schools
- Set high expectations for all students to improve student achievement
- Prepare students for further education and the world of work
- Develop positive school climates with academic emphasis
- Provide real-life and hands-on experiences
- Offer mentorship and internship opportunities
Explore all of our Broward Schools' Magnet Programs
Available Courses
B.A.I.R. Track
Initiated the 2019-2020 school year, our B.A.I.R. (Building Academic Innovations through Rigor) Track, a 3-year pathway that provides qualifying students (with a Level 4 or 5 in both ELA and Math on the prior year's FSA) a demanding academic environment with Gifted-trained/certified teachers who will inspire students to love learning, and encourage them to embrace curiosity, creativity, and hard work.
Students begin the "Track" in 6th grade will experience a 3-year program that includes:- GEM Math (GEM 6, Algebra*, and Geometry*)
- GEARs Science (High School Physical Science in 8th Grade*)
- Gifted/Advanced Language Arts and World History
Students will "track" together throughout the day for at least 5 of their 6 courses. They will take the STEM-based electives (including the coding curriculum DRONE and PYTHON, supported by Broward College.) Students will work with an engaging curriculum using their academic strengths as well as having the opportunity to participate in field trips, which extend the learning outside of the classroom, and much more.
Once accepted to the B.A.I.R. Track, learn how to Accept a Seat
*High School Credit Course -
Junior Digital Advanced and Digital Academy (JADA)
The Junior Advanced and Digital Academy (JADA) provides gifted and high achieving students with the opportunity to accelerate their learning and earn up to 7 high school credits while still in middle school. Students may choose to take face-to-face classes or take online courses through a partnership with Broward Virtual School. All students in the JADA program are enrolled in core classes that focus upon strategies to read, write, and think rigorously and critically at a level required by colleges and careers. Students in the JADA program will be exposed to STEM and project-based learning which integrates Florida State Standards as they create projects and explore career fields in the areas of science, math, engineering, history, and technology. Upon completion of the JADA program, students will be prepared to succeed in Advanced Placement courses offered in high school. View the application and apply today!
Linking Education and Employment Opportunities (LEEO)
The Linking Education and Employment Opportunities (LEEO) project is a unique educational opportunity for students to earn Microsoft Industry certifications while developing 21st-century employability skills through a partnership with Broward College and Citrix Corporation. The LEEO program scaffolds computer instruction and project-based learning to ensure students will become proficient in a specified technological area and acquire the skills necessary to compete in a global society. Upon successful completion of this 3-year program which includes certification in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, students earn the Microsoft Industry Certification of Microsoft Office Specialist. Our students will receive a scope of educational practical experiences beyond regular middle school standards to be forerunners in career and college readiness.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
Bair Middle School offers students many choices in electives including the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) program, Band, Peer Counseling, Art, PE, and Journalism. The STEM class provides students with experiences and hands-on activities in the field of science, technology, engineering, and math. Projects include units on rocketry, aerodynamics, Lego robotics, CAD through Minecraft, and bridge design. Elective space is limited, so submit your course card today!
Magnet Program Eligibility
Magnet Programs are open to qualified students throughout the state of Florida. All students entering grades K-12 may apply. Students must be five years old by September 1st to enter kindergarten. All students will demonstrate good conduct. At the secondary level, academic/talent entrance criteria have been established for admission to each Magnet Program as a means of promoting student success. Learn more about the academic requirements for middle and high school students.
The School Board of Broward County is committed to providing settings for education that promote understanding of diversity, tolerance and fair play, so that the positive tenets of a democratic society are reinforced by what students experience in schools. In the Broward County Public Schools, diversity is broadly defined to include students of different genders, of different racial and ethnic backgrounds, of various socioeconomic circumstances, those who speak English as a second language, and those who have exceptional and special needs.
Application Information
- Before completing a magnet application, you will need to ensure that your child has a student identification number with Broward County Public Schools. You may secure the identification number from your child's home boundary school or any public school in Broward County.
- Incomplete applications will NOT be processed. Only one application per student will be accepted. Applications received or postmarked after the close of the application window will be processed at a later date pending space availability.
- Students applying to kindergarten must be five years old by September 1st.
- All Middle School and High School applicants must submit a copy of their most recent report card when completing their applications through the School Choice Web Page for more information.