Charles Drew Family Resource Center

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    The Charles Drew Family Resource Center provides educational opportunities for pre-school children, teen parents, and adults.

    Students in the Teen Parent program are offered an educational alternative for high school completion while their children participate in an on-site child development program. The Teen Parent program features a sequential, competency-based curriculum which allows the student to work at his/her own rate. Teacher directed instruction is also an integral part of the curriculum, and participation is part of the program.  The non-traditional environment increases the individualization of instruction.

    Students in this program are enrolled in parenting and child development courses.  They are also encouraged to participate in the many mentoring and social programs we offer which include Girl Scout Mentoring, Take Stock in Children, Amandas Place and Women of Tomorrow.  In addition, students are exposed to many cultural events and social topics through field trips and guest speakers.  They are also encouraged to join one or more school clubs that include Human Relations Council, Student Council, Teen Speak Out, Crime Watch, Journalism, and Chorus.  A Healthy Start nurse and a registered nurse are available in our Health Center, and students who qualify for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) are able to do so on-site.

    Our on-site child development program includes childcare and active participation by the teen parents.  All children are provided car seats at no charge.

    Head Start is a two-part pre-school program funded through the Federal Government.  It is designed to provide developmentally appropriate early childhood educational experiences to economically disadvantaged children, including eligible Limited English Proficient (LEP) students and children with disabilities.  Early Head Start (EHS) is for children ranging from birth up to age three.  Head Start (HS) is for children who are three and four years old.

    The curriculum is child-initiated learning which has been found to foster positive self-concepts and social skills while enhancing language acquisition through active interaction within a stimulating environment.  Students participate in whole class and small group instruction.  In addition, each student has individualized instruction developed to meet his/her specific educational needs.

    The Preschool Learning Activities Classroom Experiences (PLACE) program at Charles Drew Family Resource Center serves children with and without disabilities in the same classroom.  The Center also offers a PLACE program for three and four-year-old children with moderate to severe emotional disabilities.

    The Adult General Education classes include Adult Basic Education (ABE), General Educational Development (GED), and English for Speakers of other Languages (ESOL). The ABE program is designed to provide basic literacy and life skills for adults aged 16 and older in the areas of reading, math, and language arts.  The GED program prepares students with the necessary skills to pass the official GED test and be awarded a State of Florida High School Diploma.  Our Adult ESOL classes provide English language instruction designed to increase the student's ability to communicate effectively both in a new language and a new culture.