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    What is a School Advisory Council (SAC)?

    SAC is a link between the schools and the local community.  It serves as a mechanism for participatory management through which the various shareholders in the school community may assist the school.  Shared decision-making among all constituents of the school community, both internal and external, can benefit the school and produce better student outcomes.  The shareholders are parents, business people, other community interests, professional educators, and school staff.  A School Advisory Council is a resource to the school and school principal.  The term advisory is intended to mean assist, suggest, recommend, inform, and consult. 

  • 2024-2025 Meeting dates

    Beachside Montessori Village

    School Advisory Council

    2024-2025 School Year

    The meeting dates: Click here

  • 2024-2025 SAC Agendas

    Click on a date to open a PDF

    Sept. Agenda

  • 2024-2025 SAC Minutes

    Click on a date to open a PDF

    Sept. Minutes