Flexible Content and Tools

  • Flexible Tools

    Flexible Content and Tools

    Instructional materials allow for differentiated path, pace,
    and performance tasks.

    Classroom Goals: (ordered from emerging to sustaining)

    • There are clear and consistent routines for using flexible tools within the classroom and/or outside the classroom (media labs, libraries, Makerspaces) 
    • Students have access to a variety of online and/or offline content that meets their needs or interests 
    • Students can articulate how they use different types of content in the classroom
    • Online and offline resources are aligned and integrated to promote learning goals
    • Students have access to a variety of tools and options for demonstrating knowledge (e.g. online or offline portfolios, tools to connect with peers or authentic audiences beyond school in order to show learning evidence) 
    • Students are assigned or select digital content based on needs (either by group or individual)


    A viriety of resources allow students to choose from multiple learning resources for each content module/unit. For example, Learners could choose the traditional text, a whole graphic text, a traditional text with translations, a text in modern English, a Spanish version, or a graphic novel.  

    Learners are also often able to choose what they learn in class. Each class has Learners operating at different paces, so there should be a viriety of learning activities available to learners. 

    Student Does

    • Selects learning resources and activities best suited to their needs and interests.

    Teacher Does

    • Provides multiple options of learning resources and activities for Learners.

    Technology Does

    • Provides resource bank for Learners to select from.
    • Provides structure of learning activities online so Learners can easily access it without Facilitator help.