Markham’s classrooms, K-5, have Digital Boards to engage our students in instruction. Most classrooms have begun this new method of instruction. Interactive whiteboards have replaced chalkboards (remember those?) and whiteboards with interactive technology. Using a special digital pen, a projector, and a laptop computer, students can interact with their lessons on the interactive boards and teachers can present lessons using special effects, lots of color, audio and video to reach our generation of “digital natives”! Students are engaged in projects that make the most of their computer technology skills as they learn how to research, download images, and create presentations to show what they have learned. These are just a few examples of how we are preparing our students for a bright future and tomorrow’s challenges. 


    laptopsLaptop Cart


    Today’s students are growing up in a high-tech, digital-savvy world where information is always at their fingertips. D5 incorporates the way many students get their information outside of school and teaches them to apply these skills in the classroom.

    The D5 program allows us to provide one laptop per student (1:1 ratio) in K-5th classrooms.


    iPad Mini



    Students in Pre-K through st grades classrooms have access to tablets. Tablets introduce younger students to the digital world and how to interact with digital devices. Tablets are incorporated into their learning activities.




    Interactive Tables.

    Students in Pre-K classrooms have access to interactive tables. Interactive tables are a great way to teach students about collaboration and group activities with digital devices. Interactive tables are integrated into their learning activities.

     EPSON 61P ProjectorEpson Powerlite 95 Projector



    All classrooms with interactive boards are equipped with a projector.


    Interactive Touch Screens.

    The Simplicity Touch Interactive panel brings the learning experience to life. Students interact with the board through touch technologies. This engages students for an enhanced learning experience.

    Simplicity CAMElmo Document Camera


    Document Cameras.

    Document cameras allow teachers to display a variety of content on interactive boards.

    Activexpression HandsetVoting Instrument Activote24

    Voting instruments. – ActivExpressions

    Not all questions demand a black and white answer. In fact, many demand more than just a simple yes or no. Activexpression is a unique learner response system with the ability to text complete sentences and numerical responses.


    Simplicity Slate


    Interactive tablets

    Slates let students interact with the Digital Boards. Physically challenged students can join in more easily; they don’t have to go up to the board in order to write on it!


    Digital Pianos

    Digital pianos are used in conjunction with interactive boards and piano controller technology to enhance the learning experience.